NCB Inc. started business S/W development and processing company in 1997. NCBrain, our main product, was released in 2003 and has been supplied to more than 1,700 customers with 7,000 seats, including Samsung, LG, Hyundai, KIA, Toyota, Honda and Mahindra. NCBrain has been used as their standard fast and safe system for NC machining increase company profit by optimization and machining database. Thanks to all these accumulated our technology & know-how, we’ve come to develop new concept of solution, called ‘AICAM’ which is artificial intelligence of milling technique, and release it 2017. We, NCB Inc., will never stop contributing to our customers with the continuous development and practical on-site technology.

Automated operation! cost saving for core cutting

24 hours a day, 365 days a year ! easy, safe and fast unmanned machining
1. Start NC machining after just 5 minutes of CAM works.
2. No need to worry about selecting tools and setting time through ATC machining with 15 exclusive tools.
3. Increase lifespan and decrease machining time with exclusive shrink fit holder and corner-R tool.
4. Best ideal database for NC machining by various tools specification
5. Automatic Feedrate & RPM control by cutting load calculation
6. Automatic toolpath addition for excessive load to cut
7. Automatic aircut delete for empty & little load to cut
8. Show the area of EDM or Over/ Less cutting
Current status of CAM&NC machining
Thus, a lot of cost & time needed because of excessive working time, technology gap, and human errors etc.

After NCBrain AICAM application
Annual profit with 3 NC machines using AICAM

NCBrain AICAM = Effect of hiring a great engineer

Running 2 NC machines

Running 5 NC machines
Know-how involved for NC machining such as shape recognition, machining process, and tool choice etc. Thus, a lot of cost & time needed because of excessive working time, technology gap, and human errors etc.
Use process
2nd step, NC machinging followed by simulation and optimization edit.
3rd step, AUTO-DIFF verification, electrode check, and EDM simulation followed.

NCBrain AICAM Product component
1. NCBrain CAM
toolpath creation
2. NCBrain Simulation
3. NCBrain VF
4. Exclusive shrink fit holder
6 Types(15EA) & CRN coating
5. Exclusive E/M
11 Types(55EA)
6. Exclusive cutter/TIP
1 Bull-nose/TIP(10EA)

AICAM Radiator Grille2
AICAM Challenge Core2
AICAM Vacuum core machining LG
AICAM Radiator Grille
AICAM Smart Phone Core
AICAM ATM Mold core(1/2)
AICAM ATM Mold core(2/2)